The Colombian coffee industry has an outstanding global reputation, and for good reason. The coffee itself is of an incredibly high quality, and the communities and traditional practices behind the beans are one of a kind.
To maintain this quality and put frameworks in place to protect the coffee growers, the Colombian Coffee Federation was created. For nearly 100 years, the Federation has worked to support the needs and voices of Colombian coffee farmers, as well as advocate for their place on the international stage.
What Is the Colombian Coffee Federation?
The Colombian Coffee Federation (otherwise known as Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia, the FNC) is a non-profit organisation that was founded by a group of Colombian coffee growers in 1927. At present, it represents approximately half a million small coffee farmers, and works to advocate for them, by improving their livelihoods and quality of life.
What Does the Colombian Coffee Federation Do?

The FNC is very active in the international community and global coffee industry, using their status to amplify the voices of Colombian coffee growers.
“As a democratic and participatory union, we solve our challenges at the national, departmental and municipal levels through concerted and collective action.”
- Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia
Promote Colombian Coffee
One of the primary objectives of the Colombian Coffee Federation is, of course, to encourage as many people as possible around the world to try Colombian coffee beans. There is a reason for coffee from Colombia having such a great reputation, and it’s the FNC’s responsibility to share this experience globally, and allow the quality and storytelling behind the beans to shine.
Protect Colombian Coffee Growers
Although promoting the consumption of Colombian coffee is key, protecting the people responsible for growing the beans is equally as important. The FNC works to guarantee farmers the permanent purchase of their coffee at the best market price, through an expansive network of cooperatives across the country. This is just one way that the Federation looks after the growers, and ensures that they are not taken advantage of or underpaid for their work.
Conduct Quality Control and Research
The FNC is one of the most important names in the Colombian coffee industry, because it is in large part in control of quality checks. The organisation is in charge of keeping the National Register of Coffee Exporters and establishes the requirements for millers, roasters, and coffee factories to register in Colombia. In other words, the FNC helps to keep Colombian coffee to a high standard.
Thanks to the Colombian Coffee Federation, research and innovation is continuous. For example, it established the National Coffee Research Center, which coffee growers use to develop sustainable technologies and knowledge focused on profit, competitiveness, and productivity. This knowledge can then be shared with farmers across the country.
Oversee Development and Partnerships
Pushing Colombian coffee internationally has been a triumph of the FNC. The Federation has taken part in numerous national and global projects, concerned with economic, social, governmental, and environmental goals. The implementation of these projects aids the development of many coffee-growing regions in Colombia, the majority of which are largely rural.
The FNC has established a process named the Extension Service (ES), which is a direct line of contact between the organisation and coffee growers. It dates back to 1928 and allows employees of the service to provide practical technical aid and technology to coffee farmers. Initiatives such as the ES promote the profitability and wellbeing of coffee farming communities, which is essential for the industry overall to thrive.
The Emphasis on Sustainability

As well as focusing on profitability and economic growth in the Colombian coffee industry, the Federation always understands that sustainability is paramount. It integrates sustainability objectives into each dimension of their work, and sets out environmental goals to reach regularly.
However, there is always more that we can do to support coffee growers in the face of climate change and uncertainty. There are many challenges that farmers must overcome and adapt to as a cause of environmental crises.
Read More About The Impact Of Climate Change On The Colombian Coffee Industry
Why is the Colombian Coffee Federation Important?

The Colombian Coffee Federation is an integral part of the Colombian coffee industry. It plays an important role in ensuring the wellbeing, and financial protection of producers and industry partners, and is largely responsible for the international growth and development of Colombian beans.
Their mission is to work for the rights of Colombian coffee growers through an efficient and effective union and democratic frameworks, at both the national and international level.
Championing Coffee from Colombia

We support the work of the FNC because we support Colombian coffee growers. At Hermanos, everything we do is guided by our heritage and our passion for the spirit and vibrancy of Colombia. We aim to protect the communities that enable us to share their craft with the world, and are constantly striving for ways to support the growers by rewarding them for the work they do.
Read More About Our Farmers